If you are searching for a landscape designer or landscape architect, it’s important to first take the time to understand your needs. While a landscape designer can certainly help to develop your ideas, you should at least know your basic wants and needs, which includes having a clear understanding of your desired budget and timeline.
John Fridy of Naturescapes
Naturescapes’ owner, John Fridy, says that customers need to be realistic about their budget:
The customer should know what their budget is and that it is realistic. They should investigate what the finished product will do for them and their environment. They should also take an assessment of how they move about on their property and what traffic patterns exist.
One big factor to keep in mind is maintenance. Once the landscaping is complete, are you going to have the time to keep up with it? The Naturescapes team focuses on sustainable gardens that require little maintenance throughout the year.
John recommends asking yourself the following questions when choosing to hire the right service professional:
- Does the landscaper know what they are doing?
- Do they guarantee their plant material?
- Will the finished product be aesthetically and environmentally appropriate?
- What will the maintenance be?
- Will I do the maintenance myself or hire someone to do it?
One of the last (and most important) things to check for is that your landscape designer shares your vision and maintains open communication. Throughout the project, you want to be confident in the process, which means that the designer should be explaining the various steps to you.
If you are interested in hiring a landscape designer, contact Naturescapes. We’ll be happy to talk to you about some potential options for your landscape.